Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to Poll Showing Opposition to Arizona Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot Initiative

Alexandria, VA – A recent poll obtained by The Federalist shows that Arizona voters are inclined to vote against Proposition 140 this November, which would bring ranked-choice voting to Arizona. After learning what the ranked-choice voting ballot initiative would actually do, support plummets from 46% to just 28%.

The poll’s release comes as the RCV ballot initiative faces strong legal hurdles. This week, a court-appointed Special Master announced that nearly 38,000 signatures on the initiative petition are duplicates, meaning there are not enough valid signature to legally qualify Proposition 140 for the ballot this November.

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement:

“Ranked-choice voting proponents are demanding that Arizona courts allow Proposition 140 to be voted on this November even though it clearly lacks enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. Courts should respect the rule of law and protect the integrity of the Arizona Constitution by blocking Proposition 140.

“Even if this ranked-choice voting initiative somehow survives this challenge, this poll shows that it is headed for defeat in November. This is hardly surprising; even the group behind this measure knows that ranked-choice voting is unpopular, which is why a leaked polling memo advised them to resort to messaging that doesn’t even mention ranked-choice voting.”

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