Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action 

“The failure of today’s Senate vote on S. 2747, the ‘Freedom to Cheat Act,’ is a victory for the American people, the credibility of our elections, and the principles of federalism.
“Just like H.R. 1, this bill overrides state voter ID requirements, bans election integrity measures for absentee voting, and makes it harder for states to maintain updated, accurate voter registration rolls. Americans want to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. These policies would instead make it easier to cheat and harder to stop it.

“Not only would this bill dismantle even the most basic and popular election safeguards but it would further erode the trust Americans have in our elections. We should be doing all we can to build confidence in democracy. But this attempted power grab put the interests of left-wing activists over the American people. It would have constituted a federal takeover of our elections and a gross distortion of the fundamental principles underlying our democratic republic.”