

Follow the latest news and developments in HEP Action’s fight for fair and honest elections!

Honest Elections Project Submits Public Comment in Support of Proposed Voter Identification Rule Change in Wyoming

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project is proud to have submitted public comments in support of a proposed voter identification rule change in Wyoming. Uniform procedures are key for registrars to verify the identity of prospective voters. Streamlining the process for verifying residency would help further secure elections in Wyoming, boosting [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds Introduction of Legislation to Ban Foreign Funding of Ballot Measure Campaigns in Ohio

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds Sens. Rob McColley and Theresa Gavarone for introducing a bill to prevent foreign nationals from influencing ballot measures campaigns in Ohio. Just last year, the left-wing Sixteen Thirty Fund, which counts foreign national Hansjorg Wyss as one of its largest financial backers, [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Encourages Louisiana Senate to Pass Ranked-Choice Voting Ban

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action encourages the Louisiana Senate to pass legislation that would ban RCV in all elections within its borders. Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is a process that most voters don’t understand and, at the end of the day, makes voting harder. Once passed, it is our [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds Passage of Zuck Bucks 2.0 Ban Out of Committee in Indiana House

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds the Indiana House Elections and Apportionment Committee for advancing legislation that would close key loopholes to the private funding of election administration, a practice which has been spearheaded by the left-wing Center for Tech and Civic Life’s U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence. [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Statement Ahead of Hearings on Ranked Choice Voting in Ohio and Wisconsin

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Tomorrow, Honest Elections Project will send representatives to Wisconsin and Ohio to participate in dueling legislative hearings on bills pertaining to ranked-choice voting (RCV). Wisconsin lawmakers will deliberate on legislation that would implement final-five voting and Ohio lawmakers will consider a bill to outlaw RCV. HEP Action, [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds Introduction of Wisconsin Constitutional Amendment to Ban Ranked Choice Voting

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds the introduction of a state constitutional amendment to ban ranked-choice voting (RCV) in Wisconsin, which, if ratified, would make Wisconsin the sixth state in the country to ban RCV. RCV is a convoluted process that confuses voters and sows distrust in elections. [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds Louisianans for Amending Constitution to Ban Private Election Funding

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds Louisianans for overwhelmingly voting to enshrine a ban on private funding for election administration into the state Constitution. The resounding margin of victory for this provision should send a signal to state lawmakers across the country to follow Louisiana’s lead. “Private dollars [...]


HEP Responds to Vice President Harris’s Attack on Election Integrity Laws

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Kamala Harris’s latest bad faith attacks on election integrity policies are par for the course. She references Georgia’s high turnout in 2020, but conveniently ignores the fact that Georgia saw record early voting in 2022 after passing its landmark election integrity legislation. Harris even repeats the [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds North Carolina Legislature for Overriding Veto on State Board of Elections Reform Legislation

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds the North Carolina state legislature for overriding Governor Cooper’s veto on legislation that reforms the state board of elections to promote bipartisan election administration. Decisions surrounding elections should be commonsense, bipartisan, and promote the rule of law, which is exactly what this [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Applauds North Carolina State Legislature for Overriding Veto on Key Election Integrity Legislation

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action, released the following statement: “Honest Elections Project Action applauds the North Carolina Legislature for staying the course and overriding Governor Cooper’s obstructionist veto of popular, common sense election integrity legislation. The new law includes provisions that tidy up voter rolls and strengthen protections for vulnerable mail ballots, and now requires all [...]



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