

Follow the latest news and developments in HEP Action’s fight for fair and honest elections!

Honest Elections Project Action Applauds Arizona Lawmakers for Voter ID Act Ballot Initiative

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action: “This is a great first step in securing Arizona’s elections. In November, Arizonans will now have the chance to vote on a measure to require voter ID for every ballot, including ballots cast by mail, and to make IDs free to anyone who needs one. That safeguard builds confidence in Arizona’s [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Supports the Arizonans for Voter ID Act Ballot Initiative

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action: “I strongly support the Arizonans for Voter ID Act ballot initiative which, if successful, would provide for uniformity in voting across the state no matter when, how, or where Arizonans vote. Not only is this measure, which would implement voter ID for absentee ballots, popular, but it further strengthens election integrity [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to New Mexico’s Atrocious Election Legislation

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “The bill New Mexico Democrats are ramming through the state legislature in the waning hours of the session risks crippling public confidence in state elections. This behemoth of bad ideas includes letting felons vote prior to completion of their sentences and establishes permanent absentee lists but includes no mechanism for adequately [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to New Mexico’s Disastrous SB8

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature are poised to ram through a measure that would irreparably harm the integrity and credibility of elections in the state. SB8 automatically lets felons vote the moment they walk out of prison. The bill mandates error-prone automatic voter registration, lacks sufficient safeguards to remove inaccurate [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to the Push to Change the Senate Rules

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action   “The push to change the Senate rules is fraught with extreme peril. Turning the Senate into another House where even the slimmest majority can ram through whatever they want would be catastrophic for our democracy. What we need right now is to turn the temperature down and focus on the issues [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to the Rejection of Schumer’s Partisan Federal Election Takeover Bil

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action   “The rejection of Sen. Schumer’s partisan federal election takeover bill should be applauded by all who care about the integrity of our election system. Despite a nasty, shameless campaign to smear those who oppose upending basic – and widely popular – state election security measures, this brazen power grab dressed up [...]


Honest Elections Project Action on the Democrats Unpopular and Unconstitutional Takeover of Our Elections

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “Our democracy is suffering a credibility crisis. Confidence in the outcomes of our elections is in decline. It isn’t hard to see why. Over 20 years, politicians—many of them on the left—are increasingly willing to delegitimize elections that they lose and reward colleagues who refuse to admit defeat. Prominent Democratic politicians [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to Schumer’s Push to Change Senate Rules

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “Using the anniversary of 1/6 as cover to change the Senate rules and push through a highly partisan federal takeover of elections is abhorrent. Rather than use this opportunity to unite Americans, liberal Democrats have chosen to divide us by trying to ram through unpopular and unconstitutional election legislation. If your [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to Democrats’ Plan to Revive Unpopular Election Reforms

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action  “With their massive social spending bill stalled, the Democrats have decided to try yet again to ram through their unpopular federal takeover of elections. The Democrats’ election agenda is about cementing their political power at the expense of public confidence in elections. Bills like H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 are partisan power grabs meant [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Reacts to the DOJ’s Lawsuit Against the State of Texas

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “Once again the Biden Administration is targeting a reasonable, commonsense election law that makes it easier to vote and harder to cheat. SB1 improved the election system in the state of Texas through popular, commonsense reforms. Now, the Biden Administration is attacking measures intended to protect voters’ ballots, including a new [...]



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