

Follow the latest news and developments in HEP Action’s fight for fair and honest elections!

Honest Election Project Action Released a Statement on the House Passage of H.R.4

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action: “The House’s passage of H.R. 4 is deeply irresponsible and transparently cynical. This Pelosi Power Grab was not about making our elections fairer or ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. Rather, it was an exercise in raw political power to pass a bill that would, if it becomes law, wreak [...]


Honest Elections Action Responds to Upcoming Vote on HR4

Honest Elections Action Executive Director Jason Snead released the following statement: “H.R. 4 is nothing but a Pelosi Power Grab. This bill wipes away all state voter ID requirements nationwide, sharply skews the courts in favor of progressive litigators, and encourages activist lawyers to swarm federal courts and file partisan lawsuits to force a federal takeover of election administration in [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Statement on Introduction of H.R. 4

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project (HEP) Action:  “H.R. 4 is markedly worse than the original version. The bill’s authors had many opportunities to make it constitutional or bipartisan, but at each opportunity, they sprinted in the other direction. This bill is a federal power grab and a gift to partisan, frivolous litigators who will use it to [...]


Honest Elections Project Action Released a Statement on Texas Democrats Fleeing State

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project Action “Once again, Texas Democrats are walking away from election reforms that would have made it easier for Texans to vote early, including on Sundays. They apparently prefer private jet rides and D.C. photo-ops to open and honest debate about election policies that are overwhelmingly popular with most Americans." “Just days ago, [...]



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